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Senin, 28 April 2014

Liability account(terjemahan inggris ke indonesia)

NAME                        : YAKFI ASMARANTYAS P
CLASS           :3SA01
NPM               :17611480
1. Sentence      : Example of liability accounts reported on a company’s balance sheet
    Artinya        : Contoh Akun kewajiban laporan atas lembaran neraca perusahaan
2. Sentence      : While cost accounting is often used within a company to aid in decision making to their
    Artinya        : Sementara akuntansi biaya sering biasa sampai sebuah perusahaan untuk membantu keputusan memperoleh dari mereka.
3. Sentence      : fixed assets enable their owner to carry on its operations.
   Artinya         : Aktiva tetap memungkinkan pemilik mereka meneruskan pembedahan itu.
4. Sentence      : lead can effect almost every organ and system in your body
    Artinya        : Pemimpin dapat mempengaruhi hampir setiap tubuh dan sistem didalam tubuhmu.
5. Sentence      : Therefore, enters into the accumulation of money capital that is essentially different from the actual accumulation of industrial capital.
   Artinya         : Meskipun, mencatat bagian dalam pengumpulan modal uang itu pada pokoknya berbeda dari pengumpulan industri modal yang sesungguhnya.
6. Sentence      : Any profit that is gained goes to the business’s owners, who may or may not decide to spend it on the business
   Artinya         : Laba apa yang memperoleh keuntungan kepada pemilik bisnis itu, yang boleh atau tidak boleh menentukan untuk pengeluarannya pada bisnis itu.
7. Sentence      : The company will  distribute to all public sales discounts
    Artinya        :Perusahaan akan menyebarkan kepada semua masyarakat potongan penjualan atau potongan harga
8. Sentence      : Managemant accounting combines accounting, finance and management with leading edge techniques needed to drive successful businesses.
    Artinya        : Akuntansi Manajemen menyatukan akuntansi, keuangan dan manajemen(pengelolaan) serta menyebabkan kurangnya teknik untuk mendorong keberhasilan bisnis
9. Sentence      : Understanding financial statements is essential to the success of a small business
  Artinya          : Memahami laporan keuangan adalah hal-hal yang perlu untuk berhasil dari bisnis kecil
10. Sentence    : The average cost method assumes that three stocks were purchased for an average costs of $41.67.
    Artinya        : Biaya rata-rata cara menerima sehingga tiga saham akan membeli atas biaya rata-rata.

Jumat, 25 April 2014

CV( Curriculum vitae)

I. Personal Details

Name : Yakfi Asmarantyas P
Address :Jl. Karang Anyar utara Gg 1 no 22, Jakarta Pusat, Java 10740
Phone Number : 021-6268152/08979344199
Place & Date of Birth : Jakarta, August 29, 1993
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Indonesia

II. Education Details

1. 2001 – 2006  Elementary School 07, Jakarta Pusat
2. 2006 – 2008 Junior High School / SMP Kartini 2 Jakarta pusat
3. 2009 – 2011 Senior High School / SMK Tamansiswa 1 Jakarta pusat
4. 2011 – 2015 English Literature Gunadarma Unaiversity


Good attitude, kind, communicative, diligent, tolerant, target oriented, discipline, honest, and be responsible

Surat lamaran kerja

Attention To: Human Resources Department                                                Jakarta,  April 15th 2014
PT. PAL Indonesia
Jl. Ujung Surabaya No. 3

Jakarta, Indonesia

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have read from your advertisement at Jakaarta Post that your company is looking for employees to hold some position. Based on the advertisement, I am interested in applying application for Engineer position according with my background educational as Engineering Physics.

My name is Yakfi Asamarantyas P, I am twenty five years old. I have graduated from English Literature Department Gunadarma University Jakarta on June 2015. My specialization in English literature Department is Instrumentation and Control specialist. I consider myself that I have qualifications as you want. I have good motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work with a team (team work) or by myself. Beside that I posses adequate computer skill and have good command in English (spoken and written).

With my qualifications, I confident that I will be able to contribute effectively to your company. Herewith I enclose my :

1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate and Academic Transcript.
2. Curriculum Vitae.
3. Copy of Job Training Certificate from Unocal Indonesia Company.
4. Recent photograph with size of 4 x 6 cm

I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could follow your recruitment test luckily.


Yakfi Asmarantyas P