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Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Tanjung pandan

NAME / NPM            : Yakfi Asmarantyas p / 17611480
CLASS                        : 4sa01
TANJUNG PANDAN, KOMPAS.com - Wisatawan yang datang ke Pulau Belitung masih lebih memilih pelesiran di wilayah Kabupaten Belitung, terutama di Pulau Lengkuas dan pulau-pulau kecil di sekitar pulau tersebut.

"Wisatawan datang ke Belitung soalnya maunya pantai. Jadi pasti maunya ke Tanjung Tinggi dan Pulau Lengkuas," ungkap Asep, tour guide di Belitung, Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, kepada KompasTravel, Minggu (15/3/2015).

Hal senada juga diungkapkan Gito, seorang tour leader yang biasa membawa wisatawan berkeliling Pulau Belitung. Ia mengaku 70 persen wisatawan memilih untuk pelesiran hanya di Kabupaten Belitung.

Padahal Pulau Belitung terdiri dari dua kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Belitung dan Kabupaten Belitung Timur. Pulau Belitung sendiri naik daun dari sisi pariwisata sejak film "Laskar Pelangi" beredar. Film ini diangkat dari novel best seller karya Andrea Hirata berjudul sama.
Beberapa latar tempat pengambilan gambar di film tersebut bertempat di Kabupaten Belitung, seperti Tanjung Tinggi yang terkenal dengan pantai cantik berbatu besar. Biasanya paket wisata yang ditawarkan adalah kunjungan ke Tanjung Tinggi. Kemudian ke Tanjung Kelayang untuk naik kapal dan tur ke pulau-pulau kecil. Salah satu yang terkenal adalah Pulau Lengkuas. Di pulau ini ada mercusuar yang menjadi ikon wisata Belitung.

Namun, kisah di novel "Laskar Pelangi" sebenarnya berlatar belakang di Belitung Timur. Hanya saja, pantai bukan andalan Belitung Timur.

"Di Belitung Timur pantainya tidak seperti Belitung barat. Tidak secantik itu. Padahal tamu maunya ke pantai," kata Asep.

Sementara itu, Gito menjelaskan sebenarnya banyak pula yang mau ke Belitung Timur terutama untuk menapak tilas berupa tur bertema Laskar Pelangi. "Ke Belitung Timur paling hanya ke replika SD Muhammadiyah dan museumnya Andrea Hirata," katanya.

Google translate
TANJUNG PANDAN, KOMPAS.com - Tourists who come to the island of Belitung still prefer pelesiran in Belitung regency, especially on the island of Galangal and small islands around the island.
"Tourists come to the Pacific coast because he wants. So definitely wants to Cape High and Lengkuas," said Asep, tour guide in Belitung, Bangka Belitung Province, to KompasTravel, Sunday (03/15/2015).
The same thing also expressed Gito, a tour leader who used to take tourists around the island of Belitung. He claimed 70 percent of tourists choose to pelesiran only in Belitung province.
Though Belitung Island consists of two districts namely Belitung and East Belitung province. Belitung Island itself rising in terms of tourism since the movie "Laskar Pelangi" outstanding. The film is based on the best-selling novel by Andrea Hirata same title.
Some background on the set of the film took place in Belitung province, such as the famous Cape High gorgeous large rocky beach. Usually tour packages offered by a visit to the Cape High. Then to Cape Kelayang to climb aboard and tour to small islands. The famous one is the island of Galangal. On this island there is a lighthouse tour iconic Belitung.
However, the story in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" real background in East Belitung. However, the beach is not the mainstay of East Belitung.
"In the East Pacific Islands Pacific west coast do not like. Not as pretty as it is. In fact, he wants guests to the beach," said Asep.
Meanwhile, Gil explains the fact there are many who want to Belitung especially to retrace the form of themed tours Laskar Pelangi. "To the best of East Belitung only to SD Muhammadiyah and museum replicas Andrea Hirata," he said.

My Translation
Tourist is coming to Belitung island still prefer more choice pelesiran in the region of Belitung district, especially in the island of Lengkuas and Small islands around that island.
Tourists come to Belitung because it wants to beach. so definitely want to”Tanjung Tinggi” and Lengkuas Island, “said Asep, tour guide in Belitung,province of Bangka Belitung, to KompasTravel, Sunday(March 15, 2015)
The same thing also Gito is expressed. a tour leader are used to take tourists around the island of Belitung. He claimed 70 percent of tourists choose to pelesiran only in Belitung province.
Though Belitung Island consists of two districts that is Belitung and East Belitung province. Belitung Island itself rise in terms of tourism since the film "Rainbow Troops" circulated. The film is based on the best-selling novel by Andrea Hirata of the same name.
Some background on the set of the film took place in Belitung province, such as the Tanjung Tinggi which is famous for beautiful beach big rocky. Usually tour packages offered by was a visit to Tanjung Tinggi. Then to Tanjung Kelayang to climb aboard and tour to small islands. The famous one is the island of Lengkuas. In this island there is a lighthouse tour that became an icon Belitung.
However, the story in the novel "Laskar Pelangi" real background in East Belitung. However, beach is not the mainstay of  East Belitung.
"In the East Pacific Islands Pacific west coast do not like. Not as pretty as it is. In fact, he wants guests to the beach," said Asep.
Meanwhile, Gito explained in fact many of them who want to Belitung especially for retracing the form of tour themed the Rainbow Troops. "To the best of East Belitung only to replica SD Muhammadiyah and museum Andrea Hirata, "he said.

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Tahap-tahap dalam perkawinan secara adat:

CLASS           : 4SA01

NPM               : 17611480

Tahap – tahap dalam perkawinan secara adat :
1. Lettu (lamaran)
    Ialah kunjungan keluarga si laki-laki ke calon mempelai perempuan untuk  
    menyampaikan keinginannya untuk melamar calon mempelai perempuan.
2. Mappettuada. (kesepakatan pernikahan)
    Ialah kunjungan dari pihak laki-laki ke pihak perempuan untuk membicarakan
    waktu pernikahan, jenis sunrang atau mas kawin, belanja atau belanja perkawinan   
    penyelanggaran pesta dan sebagainya
3. Madduppa (Mengundang)
    Ialah kegiatan yang dilakukan setelah tercapainya kesepakatan antar kedua bilah
    pihak untuk memberi tahu kepada semua kaum kerabat mengenai perkawinan yang
    akan dilaksanakan.
4. Mappaccing (Pembersihan)
    Ialah ritual yang dilakukan masyarakat bugis (Biasanya hanya dilakukan oleh kaum
    bangsawan), Ritual ini dilakukan pada malam sebelum akad nikah di mulai,
    dengan mengundang para kerabat dekat sesepuh dan orang yang dihormati
    untuk melaksanakan ritual ini, cara pelaksanaan nya dengan menggunakan daun
    pacci (daun pacar),kemudian para undangan di persilahkan untuk memberi berkah
    dan doa restu kepada calon mempelai, konon bertujuan untuk membersihkan dosa
    calon mempelai, dilanjutkan dengan sungkeman kepada kedua orang tua calon mempelai.

Translate from Google Translate
Stages in marriage customary:
1.  First Lieutenant (Cover)
     Is to visit the man's family to the bride's expresses himself to apply the bride.
2.  Mappettuada. (Marriage agreement)
    Is a visit from the male to the female to talk about the wedding time, type sunrang or dowry, marriage organizing your spending or shopping party and so on
3.  Madduppa (Invited)
     Is an activities carried after reaching an agreement between the two sides parties to make known to all the relatives of the marriage to be implemented.
4. Mappaccing (Cleaning)
    Is a ritual performed Bugis society (usually only done by the nobility), this ritual is performed on the night before the ceremony began, by inviting close relatives and people who respected elders to perform this ritual, the way its implementation using a leaf Pacci (leaf boyfriend), then the invitation in the invite to give blessing and blessings to the bride, purportedly aims to cleanse sin bride, followed by Sungkeman to the bride's parents.

Translation myself:
Stages of the customary marital:
     1.      Lettu : (Marriage Proposal)
 Is a family visit male - male to the bride to express his desire to apply for the bride.
    2.      Mappettuada. (Marriage agreement)
 Is a visit from the male to the female to talk about the wedding time, type sunrang or dowry, the  shopping or shopping marital implementation a party and so on.
   3.      Madduppa (Summon)
 Is an activity carried after reaching an agreement between the two sides to make known to all the  relatives of the marriage to be implemented.
   4.      Mappaccing (Cleaning)
 Is a ritual performed Bugis society (usually only done by the nobility), This ritual is performed on the night before the marriage ceremony begins, would like to invite the relatives near elders and people are respected to carry out this ritual, how to implement it by using the Pacci leaf (leaf boyfriend), then the guests are welcome to give blessings and blessing to the prospective bride, supposedly intended to clean up the sins of prospective bride, followed by Sungkeman the prospective bride of both parents.   

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

tugas softskill

Name : Yakfi Asmarantyas P
Class : 4sa01
NPM : 17611480

Bahasa indonesia diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris
Artikel 1: Angklung : budaya seni musik dari jawa barat
Angklung adalah alat musik terbuat dari dua tabung bambu yang ditancapkan pada sebuah bingkai yang juga terbuat dari bambu. Tabung-tabung tersebut diasah sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan nada yang beresonansi jika dipukulkan. Dua tabung tersebut kemudian ditala mengikuti tangga nada oktaf. Untuk memainkannya, bagian bawah dari bingkai ini dipegang oleh satu tangan, sementara tangan yang lain menggoyangkan angklung secara cepat dari sisi kiri ke kanan dan sebaliknya. Hal ini akan menghasilkan suatu nada yang berulang. Dengan demikian, dibutuhkan sebanyak tiga atau lebih pemain angklung dalam satu ensembel, untuk menghasilkan melodi yang lengkap. Angklung telah populer di seluruh Asia Tenggara, namun sesungguhnya berasal dari Indonesia dan telah dimainkan oleh etnis Sunda di Provinsi Jawa Barat sejak zaman dahulu. Kata “angklung” berasal dari dua kata “angka” dan “lung”. Angka berarti “nada”, dan lung berarti “putus” atau “hilang”. Angklung dengan demikian berarti “nada yang terputus”. Pada perioda Hindu dan Kerajaan Sunda, Jawa Barat, angklung memegang peranan sangat penting pada beberapa upacara ritual masyarakat Sunda dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sebagai perantara dalam ritual, angklung dimainkan untuk menghormati Dewi Sri, dewi kesuburan, dengan harapan agar negeri dan kehidupan mereka dapat diberkati. Di kemudian hari, menurut Kidung Sunda, alat musik ini juga digunakan oleh Kerajaan Sunda untuk penyemangat dalam situasi pertempuran di Perang Bubat.
From Google Translate
1.                  Angklung : Music art culture of western Java
Angklung is a musical instrument made of two bamboo tubes plugged into a frame which is also made of bamboo. The tubes are polished so as to produce tones that resonate when struck. Two tubes were then tuned follow octave scales. To play it, the bottom of the frame is held by one hand while the other hand shake the angklung quickly from left to right and vice versa. This will generate a periodic tone. Thus, it takes as much as three or more angklung players in the ensemble, to produce a complete melody. Angklung has been popular throughout Southeast Asia, but actually originated from Indonesia and has been played by the Sundanese in West Java since time immemorial. The word "angklung" is derived from two words "Angka" and "lung". Number means "tone", and lung means "break" or "lost". Angklung thus means "tone disconnected". In the Hindu period and the Kingdom of Sunda, West Java, angklung play a pivotal role in some of the rituals of the Sundanese people in everyday life. As an intermediary in the ritual, angklung is played in honor of Dewi Sri, the goddess of fertility, with the hope that the country and their lives can be blessed. At a later date, according to the Song of Sunda, this instrument is also used by the Kingdom of Sunda for encouragement in combat situations in Bubat War.

2.                  Angklung = Art music culture from western java

Angklung is a musical instrument made out of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved so that they have a resonant pitch when struck. The two tubes are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held with one hand while the other hand shakes the instrument rapidly from side to side. This causes a rapidly repeating note to sound. Thus each of three or more angklung performers in an ensemble will play just one note and together complete melodies are produced. Angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but is originated from Indonesia and has been used and played by the Sundanese ethnic in West Java Province since the ancient times. The word “angklung” originated from two words angka and lung. Angka means “tone”, and lung means “broken” or “lost”. Angklung is defined as an “incomplete tone”. In the Hindu period and the era of the Kingdom of Sunda, West Java, angklung played an important role in some ritual ceremonies. These ceremonies were inherent to Sundanese communities; in courtly and everyday living. In its function as the ritual medium, the angklung was played to honor Dewi Sri, the goddess of fertility, in a hope that their life and land will be blessed. Later, in Kingdom of Sunda these instruments were used as martial music in the Bubat War, as told in the Kidung Sunda.