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Minggu, 28 Juni 2015

Softskill Penerjemahan berbantuan Komputer : buat 5 artikel

Name : Yakfi Asmarantyas Prianda(17611480)
Class :  4sa01

1. Healthy
How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children?
Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficult to chew food invited to make us frustrated. Since then, usually we will try a variety of ways like providing herbal appetite enhancers and hunting child’s favorite foods every day. The matters the child eating disorder also intrigued our interest to make an article about tips to overcome the difficult child to eat. Here are the details.
Serve meals with small portions
Maybe the kid does not like the size of your portions that so reluctant to eat the food there. Many children are ilfeel after seeing a sizable portion. So, try to give a little so that they can eat faster and do not get bored in spend food.
Get together with family
Do not let children eat alone and we need to create an atmosphere of togetherness when the child was time to eat. For example, you and your husband are on the table then eat foods together. With the atmosphere of togetherness, then the child’s appetite will occur slowly.
Provide healthy snacks
One of the things that concern by parents is the development of the child if he did not want to eat. Of course, when children are fussy eaters then its growth will be stunted and not as friends. One of the best ways to keep it is to try to give nutritional healthy snack. Give interesting snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and nutritious bread.
Variety of food and a nice appearance
Perhaps, he needs a variety of foods that your appetite he has incurred. For example, you could give spinach on the first day, broccoli on the second day, and chicken-based dishes in the next day. Variety of foods is a very important thing to prevent children from boredom and the desire not to eat.
However, there is one more thing that could trigger a child’s appetite, which is an interesting food dish. For example, you can cook carrots to form a star or a unique object. Children will be attracted by the shape and believed to increase appetite. Hopefully, some difficulty eating kids tips above can help you.

2. Human
Humans is the grows from time to time Come from the kingdom Animalia, In class Mammalia, and Family Hominida. Included in the order in Primates in Genus Homo, and in Homo Sapiens Species. This is the scientific classification of human. Homo sapiens is found in years before now, exactly in 1758.
Modern human has a unique and greater part of body than primates or any human before recent years. We are the only extant members of the homonym clade. The only things that make human different from animals is brain and feeling.
The human has an unique brain which can solve any problem the human faces. The scientist found that the evolutionary success that human’s brain grows bigger and bigger. So that is why our brain is larger than before. The others great news is we have prefrontal cortex, a particularly well-developed neocortex, and temporal lobes which is as the why human can has levels of abstract reasoning, problem solving, language, sociality, and culture.
Human use any tools higher and better than any animals in the world. Other unique things of humans are they can adept on utilizing aome systems of symbolic communication. The communication can be language and art for the as well as they can have self-expression.
Humans can also create a complex structure of sociality like groups such as family and also kinship networks. The interaction between human to human will form a values like social norms, rituals, and any activity they made. This phenomena has been running since the thousands or million years ago.

3. Education
hi guys! in this season i will share some articles about education.
Why Findland’s Schools Are So Successfull
For many years the school system in Finland has been very successful. In the PISA survey, which compares reading, math and science knowledge of 15 year olds around the world, Finland is not only the top European country but also competes with Asian giants like Shanghai, Singapore and South Korea. But what makes the educational system in this small country so strikingly different from others in the western world.

First of all, the Finish government makes it possible for all children to attend preschool, which comes after kindergarten. Compulsory education begins at 7. Teachers work with their pupils in school as much as possible. They have little homework to do when they get home.  When teachers are not with the pupils they spend a lot of time in schools working on the curriculum and new projects.  They teach in teams if it helps them reach their goals. That is why dropout rates are low compared to other countries.
In contrast to other nations teaching in Finland is a highly admired profession. Finland selects its teachers very carefully.  Only talented students go on to a university and receive a master’s degree in education. Finland only takes the best to educate its youth.
Schools in Finland are small, at least for international standards. More than in any other country teachers are ready to prepare children for life. In some cases they know every pupil in their school and can adjust to them. Teachers try everything to succeed with their pupils. Most of the pupils get additional help in their elementary school years, either by the teachers themselves or through specially trained educators.

4. Smoking in the morning,
Especially accompanied by a cup of coffee, has become a ritual that hard to break. However, these habits seem to need to be stopped from smoking at the beginning of the day is more dangerous than smoking on the day or night. Research shows that smoking after waking up would increase the risk of lung cancer, neck and head. "Morning smokers have high levels of nicotine and other toxins from tobacco in his body. They are also more addicted than smokers who refrained from smoking a half hour or so after waking up," said researcher Joshua Muscat of Penn State College of Medicine. To find out why some smokers get cancer and not, Muscat and his team examined the link between cancer risk is there with the habit of first cigarette in the morning. The first study involved 4775 patients with lung cancer and 2835 of other smokers without lung cancer. Those who smoke 30 minutes after waking up 1.79 times higher risk of suffering from lung cancer than those who waited more than 60 minutes. Meanwhile, those who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up had 1.31 times the risk compared to those who wait at least an hour. The second study involved 1055 people with brain and neck cancer and 795 people who smoked but did not suffer brain and neck cancer. Those who smoked within 30 minutes when you wake up 1.59 times the risk of brain and neck cancer compared with those who waited an hour. The risk of smokers who smoked 31-60 minutes after waking up 1.42 times than those who wait at least an hour.

5. "SPORT"
“Sport” comes from the Old French desport meaning “leisure”. American English uses the term “sports” to refer to this general type of recreational activity, whereas other regional dialects use the singular “sport”. The French word for sport is based on the Persian word bord, meaning “winning” or “win”. The Chinese term for sport, tiyu (体育; 體育) connotes physical training. The modern Greek term for sport is Αθλητισμός (athlitismos), directly cognate with the English terms “athlete” and “athleticism”.
The oldest definition of sport in English (1300) is of anything humans find amusing or entertaining.
Other meanings include gambling and events staged for the purpose of gambling; hunting; and games and diversions, including ones that require exercise. Rogets defines the noun sport as an “activity engaged in for relaxation and amusement” with synonyms including diversion and recreation.
There are artifacts and structures that suggest that the Chinese engaged in sporting activities as early as 2000 BC. Gymnastics appears to have been a popular sport in Chinas ancient past. Monuments to the Pharaohs indicate that a number of sports, including swimming and fishing, were well-developed and regulated several thousands of years ago in ancient Egypt. Other Egyptian sports included javelin throwing, high jump, and wrestling. Ancient Persian sports such as the traditional Iranian martial art of Zourkhaneh had a close connection to the warfare skills. Among other sports that originate in ancient Persia are polo and jousting.
A wide range of sports were already established by the time of Ancient Greece and the military culture and the development of sports in Greece influenced one another considerably. Sports became such a prominent part of their culture that the Greeks created the Olympic Games, which in ancient times were held every four years in a small village in the Peloponnesus called Olympia.
Sports have been increasingly organized and regulated from the time of the ancient Olympics up to the present century. Industrialization has brought increased leisure time to the citizens of developed and developing countries, leading to more time for citizens to attend and follow spectator sports, greater participation in athletic activities, and increased accessibility. These trends continued with the advent of mass media and global communication. Professionalism became prevalent, further adding to the increase in sports popularity, as sports fans began following the exploits of professional athletes through radio, television, and the internet—all while enjoying the exercise and competition associated with amateur participation in sports.
In the New Millennium, new sports have been going further from the physical aspect to the mental or psychological aspect of competing. Electronic sports organizations are becoming more and more popular.

Jumat, 12 Juni 2015


Name   : Yakfi Asmarantyas Prianda
Class    : 4 sa 01
Tugas Ke Empat : Article Yang Mengandung Teknologi

A robotics team from South Korea took home the $2 million first-place prize in a competition this weekend to design robots that could aid humans in a natural or man-made disaster.
During the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals, which took place here Friday and Saturday (June 5 and 6), the winning team's DRC-HUBO robot finished all eight tasks in less than 45 minutes. The winning bot had a humanoid design that could transform itself into a wheeled kneeling position for faster, more stable movement.
The Running Man robot from Florida's Institute for Human and Machine Cognition claimed second, finishing all the tasks in just over 50 minutes. Team Tartan Rescue's CHIMP robot came in third, completing all the tasks in just over 55 minutes. The second and third place teams took home $1 million and $500,000, respectively.
"Today was incredible. It was everything we hoped it would be and more," Gill Pratt, the DARPA program manager in charge of the challenge, said in a news conference today. But robotics is still in a "young age," he said.
The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency started the challenge in 2012. The competition was inspired by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, caused by the deadly 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The idea was to develop robots that could aid emergency responders in disaster recovery efforts by going places that are unsafe for humans.
The 25 teams had two chances to complete as many as possible of the course's eight tasks, which included driving a utility vehicle, exiting the vehicle, opening a door, cutting a hole in a wall, walking over a pile of rubble (or clearing a path through debris), walking up a short flight of stairs, and completing a surprise task, which was different each day.
The bots had to complete the course without a tether to prevent them from falling over and despite a disrupted communications link between the bots and their human operators.
After the first day of competition, Carnegie Mellon University's CHIMP robot (short for CMU Highly Intelligent Mobile Platform) was in the lead, becoming the first team to complete all eight tasks in the hour allotted. CHIMP was followed by the German Team NIMBRO RESCUE's robot Momaro and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's RoboSimian robot, which scored seven points each during the first day.
But the second day of competition brought an upset by South Korea's team KAIST, whose robot leaped into first place after finishing all eight tasks in less time than CMU's CHIMP robot — including the surprise task, which involved unplugging a wire and plugging it into another outlet. Team IHMC also completed all eight tasks on the second day to claim second place, bumping CHIMP into third.
Though the field of robotics still has a long way to go, the teams made some impressive strides in robotic technology. But even more surprising was the way the audience reacted to the robots, Pratt said. "We have robots that look like the Terminator," he said, and yet spectators fell in love with them, cheering when the robots succeeded and feeling sorry for them when they failed. "There is some incredible, untapped affinity for machines," Pratt said.

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Sebuah tim robotika dari Korea Selatan membawa pulang $ 2.000.000 tempat pertama hadiah dalam kompetisi akhir pekan ini untuk merancang robot yang bisa membantu manusia dalam bencana alam atau buatan manusia.
Selama DARPA Robotika Tantangan Finals, yang berlangsung Jumat dan Sabtu (Juni 5 dan 6), DRC-HUBO robot tim pemenang ini selesai semua delapan tugas dalam waktu kurang dari 45 menit. Bot memenangkan memiliki desain humanoid yang bisa mengubah dirinya menjadi posisi berlutut roda untuk lebih cepat, gerakan lebih stabil.
The Running Man robot dari Florida Institute for Manusia dan Mesin Kognisi diklaim kedua, menyelesaikan semua tugas hanya dalam waktu 50 menit. Tim Tartan Rescue CHIMP robot berada di posisi ketiga, menyelesaikan semua tugas hanya dalam waktu 55 menit. Tim tempat kedua dan ketiga membawa pulang $ 1 juta dan $ 500.000, masing-masing.
"Hari ini adalah luar biasa. Itu semua yang kami harapkan akan dan lebih," Gill Pratt, program manager DARPA bertanggung jawab atas tantangan, mengatakan dalam sebuah konferensi pers hari ini. Tapi robotika masih dalam "usia muda," katanya.
Sebagai Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency mulai tantangan di tahun 2012. Kompetisi ini terinspirasi oleh bencana nuklir Fukushima Daiichi, yang disebabkan oleh mematikan 2011 gempa bumi dan tsunami di Jepang. Idenya adalah untuk mengembangkan robot yang bisa membantu responden darurat dalam upaya pemulihan bencana dengan tempat-tempat yang tidak aman bagi manusia akan.
25 tim harus memiliki kesempatan yang kedua untuk menyelesaikan sebanyak mungkin dari delapan tugas kursus, yang termasuk mengendarai kendaraan utilitas, keluar kendaraan, membuka pintu, memotong lubang di dinding, berjalan di atas tumpukan puing (atau kliring jalan melalui puing-puing), berjalan naik penerbangan singkat dari tangga, dan menyelesaikan tugas kejutan, yang berbeda setiap hari.
Bot harus menyelesaikan kursus tanpa tali untuk mencegah mereka dari jatuh dan meskipun link komunikasi terganggu antara bots dan operator manusia mereka.
Setelah hari pertama kompetisi, Carnegie Mellon University CHIMP robot (singkatan CMU Sangat Cerdas Platform Mobile) adalah dalam memimpin, menjadi tim pertama yang menyelesaikan semua delapan tugas pada jam yang ditentukan. CHIMP diikuti oleh Jerman Tim NIMBRO RESCUE robot Momaro dan robot RoboSimian Jet Propulsion Laboratory, yang mencetak tujuh poin masing-masing pada hari pertama.
Tapi hari kedua kompetisi membawa kesal oleh Korea Selatan tim KAIST, yang robot melompat ke tempat pertama setelah menyelesaikan semua delapan tugas dalam waktu kurang dari CMU CHIMP robot - termasuk tugas kejutan, yang melibatkan mencabut kawat dan plugging ke outlet lain . Tim IHMC juga menyelesaikan semua tugas delapan pada hari kedua untuk mengklaim tempat kedua, menabrak simpanse ke ketiga.
Meskipun bidang robotika masih memiliki jalan panjang untuk pergi, tim membuat beberapa langkah mengesankan dalam teknologi robot. Namun, yang lebih mengejutkan adalah cara penonton bereaksi terhadap robot, kata Pratt. "Kami memiliki robot yang terlihat seperti Terminator," katanya, namun penonton jatuh cinta dengan mereka, bersorak-sorai ketika robot berhasil dan merasa kasihan pada mereka ketika mereka gagal. "Ada beberapa yang luar biasa, afinitas belum dimanfaatkan untuk mesin," kata Pratt.

My Translation
Sebuah regu atau tim robotika dari Korea Selatan membawa pulang $ 2.000.000 juta dolar tempat hadiah pertama dalam kompetisi akhir pekan ini untuk merancang robot yang bisa membantu manusia dalam bencana alam atau buatan manusia.
Selama DARPA Robotika Challenge Finals, yang berlangsung Jumat dan Sabtu (Juni 5 dan 6), DRC-HUBO robot dari regu pemenang ini selesai semua delapan tugas dalam waktu kurang dari 45 menit. Bot memenangkan memiliki desain(gambaran) humanoid yang bisa mengubah dirinya menjadi posisi berlutut roda untuk lebih cepat, gerakan lebih stabil.
The Running Man robot dari kedua Institut Florida penggunaan Manusia dan Mesin Kognisi(Pengetahuan), menyelesaikan semua tugas hanya dalam waktu 50 menit. Tim Tartan Rescue CHIMP robot berada di posisi ketiga, menyelesaikan semua tugas hanya dalam waktu 55 menit. Tim tempat kedua dan ketiga membawa pulang $ 1 juta dan $ 500.000, masing-masing.
"Hari ini adalah luar biasa. Itu semua yang kami harapkan akan dan lebih," Gill Pratt, program manager DARPA bertanggung jawab atas tantangan, mengatakan dalam sebuah konferensi pers hari ini. Tapi robotika masih dalam "usia muda," katanya.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Amerika Serikat memulai tantangannya di tahun 2012. Kompetisi ini terinspirasi oleh bencana nuklir Fukushima Daiichi , yang disebabkan oleh mematikan 2011 gempa bumi dan tsunami di Jepang. Ide adalah untuk mengembangkan robot yang bisa membantu responden darurat dalam upaya pemulihan bencana dengan tempat-tempat yang tidak aman bagi manusia akan. 
25 tim(25 Regu-regu) itu harus memiliki dua peluang untuk menyelesaikan sebanyak mungkin dari delapan tugas kursus, yang termasuk mengendarai kendaraan utilitas, keluar kendaraan, membuka pintu, memotong lubang di dinding, berjalan di atas tumpukan puing (atau kliring jalan melalui puing-puing), berjalan naik penerbangan singkat dari tangga, dan menyelesaikan tugas kejutan, yang berbeda setiap hari.
Bot harus menyelesaikan kursus tanpa tali untuk mencegah mereka dari jatuh dan meskipun link komunikasi terganggu antara bots dan operator manusia mereka.
Setelah hari pertama kompetisi , Carnegie Mellon University CHIMP robot (singkatan CMU Platform Mobile yang sangat cerdas) yang telah memimpin, menjadi tim pertama yang menyelesaikan semua delapan tugas pada jam yang ditentukan. CHIMP diikuti oleh Tim German NIMBRO RESCUE robot Momaro dan Laboratorium Jet Penggerak Robot RoboSimian , yang mencetak tujuh poin masing-masing pada hari pertama.
Tapi hari kedua kompetisi menimbulkan kekecewaan dari Regu atau Tim KAIST Korea Selatan, robot yang melompati ke posisi pertama setelah menyelesaikan semua delapan tugas dalam waktu kurang dari CMU CHIMP robot - termasuk tugas mengkagetkan, yang melibatkan mencabut kawat dan cara memasukan kedalam saluran yang lain . Tim (Regu) IHMC juga menyelesaikan semua tugas delapan pada hari kedua untuk mengklaim tempat kedua, menabrak simpanse ke ketiga.
Meskipun bidang robotika masih memiliki jalan panjang untuk pergi, tim membuat beberapa langkah mengesankan dalam teknologi robot.Namun, yang lebih mengejutkan adalah cara penonton bereaksi terhadap robot, kata Pratt. "Kami memiliki robot yang terlihat seperti Terminator," katanya, namun penonton jatuh cinta dengan mereka, bersorak-sorai ketika robot berhasil dan merasa kasihan pada mereka ketika mereka gagal. "Ada beberapa yang luar biasa, afinitas belum dimanfaatkan untuk mesin," kata Pratt.