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Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Tahap-tahap dalam perkawinan secara adat:

CLASS           : 4SA01

NPM               : 17611480

Tahap – tahap dalam perkawinan secara adat :
1. Lettu (lamaran)
    Ialah kunjungan keluarga si laki-laki ke calon mempelai perempuan untuk  
    menyampaikan keinginannya untuk melamar calon mempelai perempuan.
2. Mappettuada. (kesepakatan pernikahan)
    Ialah kunjungan dari pihak laki-laki ke pihak perempuan untuk membicarakan
    waktu pernikahan, jenis sunrang atau mas kawin, belanja atau belanja perkawinan   
    penyelanggaran pesta dan sebagainya
3. Madduppa (Mengundang)
    Ialah kegiatan yang dilakukan setelah tercapainya kesepakatan antar kedua bilah
    pihak untuk memberi tahu kepada semua kaum kerabat mengenai perkawinan yang
    akan dilaksanakan.
4. Mappaccing (Pembersihan)
    Ialah ritual yang dilakukan masyarakat bugis (Biasanya hanya dilakukan oleh kaum
    bangsawan), Ritual ini dilakukan pada malam sebelum akad nikah di mulai,
    dengan mengundang para kerabat dekat sesepuh dan orang yang dihormati
    untuk melaksanakan ritual ini, cara pelaksanaan nya dengan menggunakan daun
    pacci (daun pacar),kemudian para undangan di persilahkan untuk memberi berkah
    dan doa restu kepada calon mempelai, konon bertujuan untuk membersihkan dosa
    calon mempelai, dilanjutkan dengan sungkeman kepada kedua orang tua calon mempelai.

Translate from Google Translate
Stages in marriage customary:
1.  First Lieutenant (Cover)
     Is to visit the man's family to the bride's expresses himself to apply the bride.
2.  Mappettuada. (Marriage agreement)
    Is a visit from the male to the female to talk about the wedding time, type sunrang or dowry, marriage organizing your spending or shopping party and so on
3.  Madduppa (Invited)
     Is an activities carried after reaching an agreement between the two sides parties to make known to all the relatives of the marriage to be implemented.
4. Mappaccing (Cleaning)
    Is a ritual performed Bugis society (usually only done by the nobility), this ritual is performed on the night before the ceremony began, by inviting close relatives and people who respected elders to perform this ritual, the way its implementation using a leaf Pacci (leaf boyfriend), then the invitation in the invite to give blessing and blessings to the bride, purportedly aims to cleanse sin bride, followed by Sungkeman to the bride's parents.

Translation myself:
Stages of the customary marital:
     1.      Lettu : (Marriage Proposal)
 Is a family visit male - male to the bride to express his desire to apply for the bride.
    2.      Mappettuada. (Marriage agreement)
 Is a visit from the male to the female to talk about the wedding time, type sunrang or dowry, the  shopping or shopping marital implementation a party and so on.
   3.      Madduppa (Summon)
 Is an activity carried after reaching an agreement between the two sides to make known to all the  relatives of the marriage to be implemented.
   4.      Mappaccing (Cleaning)
 Is a ritual performed Bugis society (usually only done by the nobility), This ritual is performed on the night before the marriage ceremony begins, would like to invite the relatives near elders and people are respected to carry out this ritual, how to implement it by using the Pacci leaf (leaf boyfriend), then the guests are welcome to give blessings and blessing to the prospective bride, supposedly intended to clean up the sins of prospective bride, followed by Sungkeman the prospective bride of both parents.   

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